mandatory goa pic :p
Hi! I'm a computer science & economics undergrad at BITS Pilani, Goa interested in ml+sys.
I'm advised by Prof. Arnab Paul at the Data, Systems and High Performance Computing (DaSH) Lab where I work on decentralized federated learning across organizations*. I also worked with Prof. Ahmed Sayed at Queen Mary University of London on improving fairness through mutual information based federated learning* and with e6data on developing AI-enabled databases.
I'm also affiliated with APPCAIR where I work with Prof. Ashwin Srinivasan, Prof. Tanmay Verlekar and Dr. Lovkesh Vig (TCS Research) on enhancing LLM-based multi-modal multi-document scientific QA. Previosuly, I spent a summer at UST Innovation Labs building ViT-based RL algorithms for autonomous mobile robots.

i use arch endeavour hyprland btw
In my free time, I enjoy reading, gaming, binging shows (at 1.95x) and learning the lyrics to what's on the radio. @eigengravy most places on the internet. I have an Erdős number of 4.
- 12/24 - Joining APPCAIR as a student researcher to work on LLMs.
- 11/24 - We are organizing the annual SAiDL AI Symposium.
- 09/24 - Got a SWE Summer Internship offer from Cisco!
- 09/24 - Instuctor for SAiDL's Intro to Computer Vision CTE course.
- 08/24 - TAing for CS F213 - Object Oriented Programming in Fall'24.
- 07/24 - Our blogpost on Graphormer accepted to the GRaM Workshop @ ICML'24.