I'm an undergrad at BITS Pilani, Goa pursuing a BE in Computer Science & Engineering along with an MS in Economics. My research interests revolve around ML+Sys, Reinforcement Learning and Distributed Systems.

I am currently working on Decentralized Cross-Silo Federated Learning under Prof. Arnab K. Paul at DaSH Lab and Knowledge Distillation techniques for Federated Learning under Prof. Ahmed M. A. Sayed.

I spent a summer at UST Innovation Labs working on Vision Transformer-based Reinforcement Learning algorithms for mobile robots.

In my free time, I enjoy reading, gaming and binging shows at 1.95x.(>)

Recent News

At my university, I am a member of the Society for Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, a group of undergraduate researchers; we try to inculcate a spirit of AI and DL in the university through open source projects and personalised courses. I was a part of Project Kratos, building the autonomous navigation stack of our mars rover. I also mentor students on web development at DevSoc and organize and compete in CTFs as a member of team BITSkrieg.